Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDid you know that 99% of Warren Buffett’s wealth was created after he turned 50? He has effectively made 1% of his money in the first half of his investment journey, and then 99% in his second half! If you asked him for the single most powerful factor […]

#23: The universally accepted formula for wealth creation

3,500 sweetener to refinance
Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations at Long Property From media reports, you’d think the Banks are in retreat. In reality, whilst it may be more difficult now to secure funding, the banks are keen for new business. How do we know? Because of the offers now available. Cheap rates and substantial cash-back offers […]

#22: What’s your break-even on a property investment? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe ‘break-even’ on a property investment is probably a lot lower than you think. This is mainly due to our current low interest rate environment, combined with strengthening rental yields in Melbourne and Sydney, and even higher yields available in other interstate markets. It’s not uncommon to see […]