Patrick has provided some great savings, income and cash flow tips in this article. However before getting into the detail, let’s take a step back… clients first need a plan, and to execute their plan, they need their bank and loan accounts set up correctly. Here’s a simple but effective framework to organise your money. The […]

How to organise your money

New budgeting strategies to get ahead
Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations at Long Property In the last newsletter, we spoke about the Banks’ historical view of and current crackdown on Living Expenses. It might now be appropriate to look at some budgeting and income strategies that can improve your financial circumstances (even if you are living within your means) and […]

#20: Borrowing ‘strategy’ vs borrowing capacity Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Long Property Show is now is now a weekly podcast! Each episode runs for 10 minutes and offers unique perspectives on property, finance and money management. We cover topical issues relating to our national property and finance markets, and we also discuss various investment frameworks/ strategies for […]