Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’ve spoken before about the merits of the following property/ wealth strategy: Buying assets that will appreciate in value Sensibly financing the purchases; and Developing a strong team of advisers For our thoughts on buying assets that will appreciate in value, wind back to episodes #24 (the fundamentals don’t […]

#27: How can you ‘sensibly’ finance your property purchase?

Why is the assessment taking so long?
Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations at Long Property You may have heard how much tougher it is to obtain an approval nowadays, but you may not know how a Lender actually assesses an application. In this article, I provide an overview so you can better understand the amount of work involved in the […]

Welcome, Rachel!
I am pleased to welcome Rachel as the newest member of our Long Property team! After a busy few months, Patrick and I decided that bringing on a new staff member would be a great idea. We put some feelers out to our network, and Rachel was a standout! Now that our systems and processes […]