By Daniel Gold It’s one of the most common questions I get asked. “Do you think I should buy now, or wait?” As a mortgage broker it’s obviously not my place to give property or financial advice, but from a general perspective, here are my thoughts… If you’re worried about your job security or financial […]

My thoughts on buying a property now, versus waiting

Changes to JobKeeper, JobSeeker and lending criteria
Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations In a widely expected move, hot on the heels of the further mortgage relief announced by the Big Banks, last week the federal government announced changes to the JobKeeper and JobSeeker income support schemes. What are the changes? JobKeeper will continue to March 2021, with tapering of the […]

A big thank you and highlights from 2020
With the financial year having drawn to a close now, here’s taking the opportunity to thank you all for your support in what has truly been a fascinating year. Despite COVID our service levels have been maintained and our client feedback has remained overwhelmingly positive. We are still meeting clients around the clock (including weekends), […]