Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations Very recently – in a podcast here and article here – we discussed whether Australian Banks would have to provide further support to distressed Borrowers, before existing payment deferrals end later this year, to avoid a wave of potential defaults. Unsurprisingly, the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and major […]

Big Banks announce further mortgage relief

Latest ABS housing finance data – refi explosion but investors retreat
The latest ABS lending indicator statistics reveal there was an explosion in refinancing in May 2020, taking total lending to owner-occupiers up to record monthly highs. If you recall this was off the back of aggressive pricing and cashback offers largely driven by the major banks. But once you strip out the massive surge of […]

Mortgage defaults come September? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’ve seen a number of quite alarming headlines recently that there’s going to be a wave of mortgage defaults in September/ October once the relief measures like Jobkeeper and loan repayment deferrals end simultaneously. In this episode of the Long Property Show myself and Patrick provide a more […]