As headlined in the Australian Financial Review this morning, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will announce today that the government will in effect dump the responsible lending law that was imposed by the Rudd Labor government in 2009. The simplification will remove the Australian Securities and Investments Commission from enforcing the responsible lending rules for banks and […]

Overhaul to responsible lending laws – Home loans could get a lot easier from March

Cash or Credit, or Something New?
Article by Patrick Lynch, Head of Operations ‘Cash is King’ is one of the most common finance phrases. Recently, that has been less true when it comes to day-to-day purchases, with fewer transactions using cash (or occurring face-to-face – particularly during these COVID19 times). There has been significant growth in the use of ‘Buy now, […]

Sorry – owning 50 properties is near impossible now
By Daniel Gold I have had a number of people contact me recently about wanting to establish property investment portfolios. One such person referenced Steve McKnight’s book “From 0 to 260+ properties in 7 years” (published in 2012) and asked me what’s necessary to embark on this kind of journey. I’m the last person to […]