Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSYou may be wondering how do mortgage brokers secure their own loans. Surely they get the best deals, preferential treatment, quick/ smooth experiences… those sorts of things. Well Dan just refinanced two of his own home loans, and he also applied for construction finance. In today’s podcast we […]

Ep #75 – How I secured my own loans recently

Ep #74 – Are renovations really worth it Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Long Property Show is back and this week we discuss the topic of renovations. For some, this means a cosmetic update of their kitchen and bathroom, while for others they are stripping the house to its bones and starting from scratch. Obtaining finance for each respective body […]

Ep #73 – Do multiple loan apps damage your credit score? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSBe careful of lodging multiple finance applications, in quick succession, implying that you can’t get finance, or you’re desparate for cash. What’s more common though are clients who have gone direct to a bank for pre-approval, but then come to us (Long Property) afterwards, either for better service, […]