#37: Behind the scenes with Marcel Dybner

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#37: Behind the scenes with Marcel Dybner March 30, 2019

If you own an investment property, how do you select the right property manager, and how can you ensure you’re getting:

a) The best quality tenant; and

b) The best possible rent?

Marcel Dybner is a 10 yr property management expert, and well qualified to answer these questions.  He heads up the property management division at Besser & Co (award winning real estate agency based in Balaclava VIC), and he is a widely regarded leader in his field.

In our 30 minute podcast this week Marcel explains how Besser & Co harnesses the latest technology (including social media, and innovative reporting systems) to improve the service experience for landlords, and ultimately build a greater sense of trust and loyalty among clients.

Marcel believes that building trust is the single most important aspect of the property management business, however it doesn’t come easy, and when you hear some of the ‘behind the scenes’ stories as to what happens in the industry, you will understand why!

We discuss the following:

  • Dispelling the myth – why Marcel turned down multiple university offers in both Medicine and Law, to instead go into property management  🙂
  • How tenant disputes can turn into knife fights – Marcel’s ‘welcome to the property management industry’, and his innate skills as an undercover cop!
  • Engaging an expert property manager, v.s. DIY – why you should really stick to your day job
  • How technology and new and innovative processes compare to the traditional way property managers have done their work
  • Landlord insurance – why is this essential
  • Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act – what you need to know
  • Impact of the weaker housing market on local rents

If you think property managers just sit back and ‘collect the rent’ you are sadly mistaken.  After hearing this interview you will have a newly found appreciation for the importance of a superstar manager… and if you’re anywhere around Melbourne, you might just call on Marcel!

You can get in contact with Marcel via his blog – www.askmarcel.com.au (check out his interviews/ articles with Smart Company Magazine, BusinessInsider.com.au, The Age, Australian Property Investor Magazine, and more!)

Thanks for tuning in, and enjoy the show!

If you have specific questions for myself or Patrick you can email hi@longproperty.com.au and we’ll respond within 24 hrs.

If you like the episode you can subscribe to the Long Property Show here.

The Long Property Show provides general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and your full financial situation will need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. Nothing in the Long Property Show constitutes legal, tax or financial advice and you should always seek professional advice in relation to your individual circumstances.


Dan runs Long Property and has been recognised by Mortgage Professional Australia as being one of the top 5 mortgage brokers nationally.  Email dan@longproperty.com.au

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