#33: Interview with REA Chief Economist Nerida Conisbee

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#33: Interview with REA Chief Economist Nerida Conisbee February 28, 2019

Terrific chat this week with Nerida Conisbee, Chief Economist for the REA Group (realestate.com.au).

Can you imagine the insights you would get from over 1 million unique visitors interacting with your website… every day?!  This is what we asked Nerida about, and we also got her perspective on the state of the capital city property markets in Australia, in light of the recent/ negative media.

Nerida was very generous with her time.  She made it down to our office in between a full day of appointments, and a return flight back to Sydney!

Nerida appears regularly on ABC News Breakfast and Sky News Business.  She also writes a fortnightly column for The Australian and she is the property commentator for The Eureka Report.

  • If you’re interested in researching a suburb or even specific properties, how do you make the most of the tools and resources available on realestate.com.au?
  • What suburbs and property types are most popular right now in Australia?
  • What led to the current downturn in Melbourne and Sydney, and how severe is it really?
  • How’s the Australian economy going at the moment, and how does it differ to how the economy was going during other phases of the property cycle? (e.g. the property market downturn in the early nineties, the Melbourne and Sydney boom between 2013-2017)
  • What are the key demand and supply indicators which impact house prices?
  • To what extent and how quickly do various news stories and/ or announcements impact house prices?
  • Which property markets in Australia have tended to provide the best long term capital growth?

Nerida answers all these questions, and more!  Special thanks to our subscribers who wrote in and provided questions for Nerida, we did manage to get a few of those answered.

The key takeaway for me was that our economy appears quite healthy right now, and it’s not dissimilar from how the economy was going before the downturn.  The downturn appears to have been caused by tighter lending conditions, and this has been self imposed.

Nerida makes the point that the banking regulator (APRA) has now removed it’s curbs on investment lending, and it has also removed its cap on new interest only loans.  It’s a sign that credit policies may loosen again, but when exactly this happens is still the big unkown.

Thanks for tuning in, and enjoy the show!

If you have specific questions for myself or Patrick you can email hi@longproperty.com.au and we’ll respond within 24 hrs.

If you like the episode you can subscribe to the Long Property Show here.

The Long Property Show provides general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and your full financial situation will need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. Nothing in the Long Property Show constitutes legal, tax or financial advice and you should always seek professional advice in relation to your individual circumstances.


Dan runs Long Property and has been recognised by Mortgage Professional Australia as being one of the top 5 mortgage brokers nationally.  Email dan@longproperty.com.au

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