With the financial year having drawn to a close now, here’s taking the opportunity to thank you all for your support in what has truly been a fascinating year.
Despite COVID our service levels have been maintained and our client feedback has remained overwhelmingly positive. We are still meeting clients around the clock (including weekends), we still action nearly all tasks and emails within 24 hours, and most importantly we have honoured every client commitment – we have never let any of our clients down. In an environment where credit is being squeezed and the banks whom we rely on are changing the goal posts regularly… this has not been easy!
In turn, nearly everyone reading this has either trusted us with their lending, or at least spoken highly of us in conversations about property and finance. We receive roughly 5 new referrals each week now so this means literally every day there’s someone out there risking their own reputation by recommending us to their friends and family, or to their work colleagues. We are truly grateful for this and it motivates us to raise the bar higher and higher.
Over the past two years we have serviced hundreds of clients and successfully settled over $200 million in residential lending. Only a handful of other mortgage brokers in Australia have accomplished this.
We have some exciting plans for 2021 and we look forward to continuing to support you all as you progress your journeys…
If anyone has any ideas for improvement we would love to hear them (and we will do our best to implement!).
Thanks again for your support.
Dan, Paddy and Rachel